Monday, August 10, 2009

Why some Men cannot commit and TO show review

Welcome to Redd Planet,

Hello Redd Planet family,

Today is Monday August 10, 2009. I am Redd SueperGiant blogging from the Redd planet the tell all Man corner. As with every visit on Redd Planet we want to release all stress and worries in order to visit Redd Planet.

First, let's sit comfortably in our chair.
Take a few slow, deep, relaxing breaths..
Feel yourself relax more and more with each passing breath...
Think of a time in your life when you were at peace ...
Empty your mind and re-experience that time ...
Let go of all your tension and let it pour right out of your mind...
Imagine more and more stress leaving with each one of your breaths ...
Mentally tell yourself, “I am happy, I am stress-free, I am calm.”

The T.O show review

After watching the TO show I had a few lingering questions that I was left asking myself? The show's theme centered on TO's abandonment issues that may or may not cause his commitment issues which he clearly has. I was looking at this show and I noticed that TO be time management skills lack direction because he has no one there to direct his time and nothing to answer for it. Then on to the scene is this girl he met in Miami who is 23. 1st thing TO say is I knew my publicists wouldn't approve. I was thinking this is a really funny relationship him and his publicist has. So, I continue to watch and he and the nice young lady was out to eat and she says, "This is the 1st time we have been out to eat by ourselves". Normally there are like 2 or 3 people with us. Now considering none of these people were his publicist or normal crew this had to be 2 or 3 random guys he hang out with. I was like hmmm...?
I am thinking...
"Man did this dude just pick up this ill young chic he be cutting in Miami, take her out on his show on their 1st real date?"

Then flash to another scene and she said something like, “You say you want to marry someone but you not taking steps." I am thinking to myself, Redd Flag on the play. Now, how could you talk marriage to a woman and you have never been on a date with her? He must have been telling her something good for her to say something like that and they have never been out. Then something else she mentioned. She said," I don't want to leave you and you text me later and you know how we do?" I was thinking, yeah even if he does have commitment issues you all are clearly not dating. So he takes her to meet his Publicist and she cuts the girl open. It seem like a jealous woman to me. It further more suggest if this woman is this close to him and had never seen this woman. Chances are you are just the Miami team chic who he called to play for the Espy's. Sorry that is just how I see it.

Now on to the abandonment issues the show was addressing. One thing that stuck out that TO said was "I am always alone, it is always just me out here." this to me spoken like a Man who truly was affected by not having his Dad around. I think that mixed with the fact that he was an outcast and unattractive in high school still alters his male thinking sometimes. In the episode before, the look on his face when his Dad waited around before showing up said volumes. It really brought to light that most of this that he did during his rise to stardom was to prove to people he was everything they said he wasn't or more important prove he was worthy of his Dad's attention. I honestly believe that affects his relationships. Let's look how. Now we know TO is loyal to his publicist and is big on loyalty which is a common trait of a person with abandonment issues. They love to trust because it is hard for them to do so. So if he is so loyal to this woman then why is it so hard for him to commit to a loyal woman? Now 3 things about Men with abandonment issues we have to point out here. 1. Trust is big with him and loyalty is big because he doesn't want to feel like you may leave. 2. Abandonment issue people hold alot of emotions in and over time, so they have trouble bringing out these emotions on cue and putting them into words. This also causes them to respond is an outward way when faced with unjust pressure, failure or possible rejection. 3. They do not respond well to commands, so do not try to be their parent.

Where did Miami go wrong?

1. She missed assessed where the relationship was? She was excited about getting dinner and was asking about getting married.

2. She used a pressure move to try and move forward the relationship.
3. She threatens to leave and abandon him.

4. She did not present herself as having his best interest at hand versus I just wanted to be married to TO.

From a Man, It wouldn't have matter if me and Miami did have chemistry the use of a pressure tactic backfires every time. It sparks my Man need for competition and almost comes across as a threat that at that point we respond to the call for competition. This is the wrong way to go. On the other side of a Man. TO dude you were spitting game and it got you put in that point. You had clearly said one thing and had been doing another. You wouldn’t even tell her your schedule? Dude you got a publicist that does your schedule for you. Here is a tip; a Man that is interested in giving you his schedule is interested in being a fixture. You know why he is able to get away with doing this to her, 2 things, one there are no consequences for his actions. If you can't hold him accountable, then you are doing all the holding in the relationship. 2. She did not match his actions with their current situation and created a false reality which put her in a state of confusion and causes her to create a rift. Then since she comes right back when he's in town then there are no consequences to his actions. As long as these 2 things are happening you are fighting against yourself. So what could she do then, 2 things?

Men with abandonment issues want somebody they can trust 100 percent so show him you are out for his best interest and that you are a permanent fixture. If you are able to win this man's trust, you have him.
Understand what it means to be him. Abandonment men do not like undo pressure, authority, and his buttons being pushed so knowing what he is sensitive to key to getting to know one.
So to conclude for the Men. Watch your words, even a multi millionaire is someone needing to run game to get a beautiful woman makes you look less like a real Martian. What you do in the dark comes out. He probably had no idea that would come out, but I had to put him on blast for that ill bit. Even though I am TO fan for life.

A woman understanding men with abandonment issues and how sensitive they can be is important. 3 things 1. trust, 2. show him you have him best interest at heart 3. Understand when and why he is sensitive?

Well Great Morning on the Redd Planet.

I hope to always have you visit Redd Planet and awakening the fire in you to live your highest possible life. Everybody loves Redd Supergiant, and Redd Supergiant loves everybody.

Who is the Fire Known as ReddSuperGiant>

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