Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why Men act the way they do? Behind the scene view

Welcome to Redd Planet

Hello Redd Planet Family,

First we want to take a few moments to all ourselves to enter into a peaceful state. Credit Grant for this mediation exercise. Sit in a comfortable position ....You empty your mind of every thought except relaxing. ...Let’s take a few slow, deep, relaxing breaths. You focus on your breath flowing in and out. ...You allow all your worries to shrink away....Imagine more and more stress leaving with each one of your breaths. Let go of all your tension and let it pour right out of your mind ...Allow your mind and body to relax..Release all your cares and worries ...You will discover certain thoughts, images, memories, and ideas spontaneously passing through your mind about this ...Repeat to yourself three times, “I am happy, I am stress-free, I am calm.”

Now that we are in Redd Planet, after reading this blog you will have absorbed a few different views on how Men think, and various types of Men. The 1st difference is in the way Men and Women think is the priorities in the journey in becoming a man or woman. In a boy’s journey to becoming a man, he hits a very important stage in his life that determines the course of his life I call Hunter. With women outside their spiritual journey, it is said that in a woman’s journey of finding love is extremely important and sometimes cause her to do some crazy stuff some irrational behavior. Well in the stage of becoming a man (the Hunter phase) carries that same weight of importance if not greater. It is because in this very important hunter phase the ego is created , man rank among men is determined and personal appetite is born. So understand for those of you are men feel men and for everyone else this is your memo, that in the male journey there are very limits on what a man will do to advance himself in the world so what may seem like a cold act is what some consider an act in our best interest in the journey to become a man because either they are in the phase not to know any better or they think the cause is to important, or the end justify the means.


Ok, 1st thing I will need to go over is the Man's self perceived "prime". When and what stage in life that a man experience his 1st significant increase in fame, popularity, or attention from women in his mind. This stage can last anywhere starting at 2 years and on average 5-7 with the most extreme cases being 15 +. It is in this period when man tries to fulfill every fantasy he has ever had. He also is going to try to date as many women as he thinks a person of his stature should have after him. I refer to this period as the Hunter. He will most times remember what he wore, what he was doing, how he talked, and what method he used to get into his prime. He is finding himself in this period. In this period he also determines what kind of women that he attracts and how that ranks him in the world and against other males.

How do we rank?

Quality (Average grade of woman) + Results (Success rate of meeting women) = EGO

If this equation does not add up to what a Man thinks he supposes to have then he will continue to question the results of the EGO. When such things happen it can trigger Men to behave in some irrational ways. So in short if a Man does not think he has gotten enough women, the quality or various type of women he deserves, or success rate was too low at getting his ideal women it will question his ego, causing doubt, hesitation, and various conditions that I will write about later.

Ok, the next thing is after this prime period a Man normally settles down into a relationship or a partnership conducive of him continuing this quest to balance his equation, or make his mark as a great hunter and worthy of respect. In other words either he gets married or finds a woman who puts up with his life style. So how slow or fast a man is able to balance his equation, or realizes the bigger picture, or other times an event or person will trigger the end to this stage. We know that knowing what stage a Man is in and how deep in that phase is the Key to answering this question and several of the ones I am going to answer in this blog. So henceforth I will refer to it as Hunter.

Important terms: balancing the formula or equation- means he is dealing with the life struggles that present themselves in his journey to become a man depending on how he deals with life this is the action of trying to correct that imbalance.

EGO- the person that the man has created in his head that he should be during his lifetime or sometimes the ego of an idol or someone he thinks is the epitome of who he wants to be and the urge to become this person sometimes by irrational and stupid means.

Why is it so hard for Men to settle down?

So the answer to this one is men have to feel like they have lived out whatever their ideal prime is in their head. Meaning they have successfully made it past the hunter part of the journey and got it out his system. They also must feel like they have earned the ego they have determined by the Martian formula EGO. Once either this fantasy is fulfilled or a better one come up, and the ego reaches the right size and attention he will be ready to settle down. In other words he got it out of his mind or has a woman in there. It can be proven to be quite a struggle to get this Man to go against his EGO or stop going out.

What age is too old to be getting sloppy drunk on a weekly basis?

For a Man it depends on when he had his Hunter prime and how well is he dealing with the EGO factor. If he had the Hunter early and he is dealing the EGO well then he will be out of it by 25. If his Hunter came late and the later the Hunter the longer it last, and the tougher it is to deal with EGO then this period can last into late 30’s or develop into a lifestyle. If he is in the last 30 phase know his is high risk for that is a lifestyle think about it like a biological clock.

Men really know what they want?

1st not truly until they get out that Hunter phase they are going through before they can not doubt what it is they want. Is it possible for them to know while in this stage, Yes but it is possible they may not be sure as well.

Why men cheat?

1st, some Men are just made that way. This is true for women too. 2nd It is because they did not properly go through the hunter process or they never truly entered the process but skipped to another phase. Meaning I didn’t get enough women, or I didn’t get enough fine women, or I didn’t get the right type of women, or they are plain stuck in the hunter phase and haven’t broken it or have made the hunter phase a lifestyle and whoever is his partner is either in for a ride or has to live with the person for who they are. This cause them to continually need to balance the equation with women or start to doubt their ego without the dominate feeling. Basically saying he going to act out to try and feel like a man, or his life cycle of what it means to be a man suggest that this is normal behavior. You can tell if he believes this by his schedule.

Why are some men so sexually driven when multiple studies and surveys show that over 50% of women are not being sexually satisfied?

Ok, now this one is the after the phase question. We know that the result of the EGO is what kind of Man the women are getting. So the result of what happen in his hunter process is the things he discovered that he like as a Man. If he did not find his like in the process or something happen that gave him a like that he now considers a part of himself then he will seek to recreate that experience in his daily routine. So most men EGO don’t grow to the point where it considers thoughts outside the hunter phase, the other was carried through the process and now have a false sense of what good and bad really is.

What makes a man 'think' he's entitled 2 get all of the benefits of a relationship, but NONE of the responsibility of taking care of the house?

Ok now this one is because the how many women set up they life for Men to behave this way. It is because this happens so much that it plays on the lazy nature some men have and they begin to lean on this process like it is the new welfare. So there are a whole group of men who behave like this and most of them and still in this phase. How can you tell those in the phase or out the phase? You ready? This one is important. Accountability

How does he rationalize this in his head?

Ok when he talks to his friends, it is one of 3 things. He either wants to pretend to his fellow friends and family that his life has upgraded and that his girl doesn’t take care of him. Or 2. He believes that some kind of way this glorifies him as a pimp because he has a girl that does well, or thinks that her doing well some kind of way makes him successful too. 3. Has a super elaborate excuse on why all of this is temporary and how he is really in progress and only a phone call away from being “back”. Aka lazy ass dude.

Why does it bother some men when his woman makes more money than him?

If a man is still in the hunter phase, then he possibly has a lot of self doubt or a great need to prove himself. He also probably has some insecurity issues he may or may not ever show or admit or has a secret need to show off like with his car or money. If he a person still in this phase he thinks that he need to have something on you in order to hold it over you head. Why? 1st it is because that is all he knows in this stage because he hasn’t made it to completion. So this is how he loves in his mind or worse this is why I can get away with what I do is because I pay the bills. Look for all of that. It is because we want to make sure we are feeding this ego in order to balance our formula that we call pride. So if we cannot figure out how to beat this phase and another something comes into the picture that makes reaching that goal harder or seems more out of reach, it gives us a hopeless feeling and then we feel less of a man. It attacks men's pride, if they are still at the hunter part of the journey. So in their mind you look like something else standing in the way of being the man that he is envisioning being. It causes the self doubt in us to flare up. If he is not in that stage of his journey, meaning he's pretty mature, ready to settle down, and he has dealt with past personal behavior, of course found God yet he may still be dealing with it in some funny ways, like going out and staying out or some other weird behavior.

Why is 3 am ok to come home on a regular basis in some men's head?

Ok If you are a man in the last stage of the phase and you reach the point where it has extended longer than the average 5-7 years a hunter takes. Or if you a man, that hunter took longer to activate like 31 + then you have made certain things about this period a way of life. So being that person is a part of him now. So most of the times it is because then Man has not grown out of this phase yet, he stayed in this phase too long, experienced too much success in this phase, or did not do well in the phase but really masked it as a compromise to the his woman. Either that or he found one that put up with his current lifestyle.

So the basic thought is, "this is who I was when you met me". If you hear some like that, it is either a lifestyle or deep into his personality. It will take some time for that to clear up to the point where he can operate in a working relationship. If and when it ever does clear up, this will help in knowing your situation. Think about that!

In the future blogs I will address mamma’s boys, strip club junkies, hood live ins, club goers and other type of guys and what makes them tick.

I hope you love and enjoy this blog. If there is anything you ever want me to blog about. I will blog about it and keep it 100. I hope you always drop by the Redd Planet. Everybody loves Redd SueperGiant, Redd Supergiant loves everyone. Yes? J

1 comment:

QC said...

I am really diggin this in-depth insite on the trips men take with their "egoes." Now, I can kinda understand that "bumpy-ass" ride us women are taken along for, because he is trying to figure out who he is. It is remarkable to me how men perceive the world versus women. Different, but yet, the same. I guess that"s why men are from Mars and women are from Venus......QC